Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On films...

'A film is - or should be more like music than fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. the theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later. ' Stanley Kubric

Do share your views on this blog.


Anonymous said...
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Raii said...

please do watch "the bucketlist"....in full...NOT clippings...may be split into two sessions of viewing of an hour each. it is worth it. a beautifully nuanced film...one shouldn't miss it.

Rhea 'Nilu' Ray said...

26/11 the attacks on mumbai is a horrifying compilation of how d mishap changed the lives of people affected by the terrorist attacks... it's a must read

Unknown said...

the last seesion before the term ended we saw the movie water ..............its a movie that reall touched all of us it showed us what women in India actually have to go through .........but it also provided us with the hope that someday the senario would change till then all i can sa is that great selection as far as the movie is concernd and that i reall enjoyed it

Anonymous said...

WATer was amazing...I plan to do a Presentation on Percy JAckson? Anybody for it? It's kind of kiddish..but its way better than the adventures of a certain Mr.Potter..

Anonymous said...

WATer was amazing...I plan to do a Presentation on Percy JAckson? Anybody for it? It's kind of kiddish..but its way better than the adventures of a certain Mr.Potter..

Raii said...

watch "sadgati" starrig nasiruddin shah and smita patil, and "the rice plate" if possible.

Raii said...

i watched a most beautiful short film today. just 29 minutes, can be fitted into one meeting of the club. the name is "echoes of silence". it has won some award, i am sure it is available online. download and watch it if you can.

Monami said...

a BIIIG thank you to all Images members,Ms.Pramanick and Ms.Chakraborty....for organizing such a special farewell....the best one ever...thanks a lot....mondays will never be the same again....